2013-08-01 AT 6:00PM

Call to Order by Honorable Jerry Binder, Chairman
Invocation by
Pledge of Allegiance by
Roll Call:
Marty Dean
Dennis Sharp
James A. (Red) Thompson
R. Reid Falconer
Richard E. Tanner
Jacob (Jake) Groby
Martin W. Gould, Jr.
Chris Canulette
E. L. Gene Bellisario
Maureen O'Brien
Steve Stefancik
Jerry Binder
Richard Artigue
Thomas (T.J.) Smith, Jr.


1. Introduction of Junior Council Member for August - Kathryn Ryan. (Binder)

2. Certificate of Recognition to Bonnie C’s Restaurant as Business of the Month for August. (Binder)

3. Certificate of Recognition to Troop 85 Eagle Scout - Andy Slama. (Falconer/Gould)

4. Presentation to recognize the 75th Anniversary of the Caplan Eye Clinic. (Brister)


Any items not pulled from the Consent Calendar are automatically approved in whole by one vote. Items pulled from the Consent Calendar are discussed are voted upon individually.


Regular Council Meeting - July 11, 2013

Council Committee Meeting - July 24, 2013


(Public Hearing September 5, 2013 )

1. Ord. Cal. No. 5046 - Ordinance amending the Official Parish Zoning Map to reclassify 2 acres located west of LA Highway 1077, north of Bennett Bridge Road, south of Willie Road, being 11225 Highway 1077, Folsom from A-1 (Suburban District) to A-1 (Suburban District) & MHO (Manufactured Housing Overlay). (Ward 2, District 3) (ZC13-07-046) (Binder/Brister)

2. Ord. Cal. No. 5047 - Ordinance amending the Official Parish Zoning Map to reclassify 1.644 acres located south side of Christwood Blvd, east of LA Highway 21 from NC-4 (Neighborhood Institutional District) to ED-2 (Higher Education District). (Ward 1, District 1) (ZC13-07-048) (Binder/Brister)

3. Ord. Cal. No. 5048 - Ordinance amending the Official Parish Zoning Map to reclassify 1 acre located south side Earl Abram Road, east of US Highway 11 from A-4 (Single-Family Residential District) to A-4 (Single-Family Residential District) & MHO (Manufactured Housing Overlay). (Ward 8, District 14) (ZC13-07-049) (Binder/Brister)

4. Ord. Cal. No. 5049 - Ordinance amending the Official Parish Zoning Map to reclassify 27.91 acres located at the end of Johnny Lane, north of J.F. Smith Avenue from I-1 (Industrial District) & I-2 (Industrial District) to NC-6 (Public, Cultural, Recreational District) (4.61 acres), I-1 (Industrial District) ( 4.13 acres) & I-2 (Industrial District) (19.17 acres). (Ward 9, District 14). (ZC13-07-050) (Binder/Brister)

5. Ord. Cal. No. 5050 - Ordinance amending the Official Parish Zoning Map to reclassify 1.397 acres located south of Ronald Reagan Highway, west of Philip Drive from I-1 (Industrial District) to HC-2 (Highway Commercial District). (Ward 3, District 3) (ZC13-07-051) (Binder/Brister)

6. Ord. Cal. No. 5051 - Ordinance amending the Official Parish Zoning Map to reclassify 2.5565 acres located east of Pace Street, south of US Highway 190 Business from A-3 (Suburban District) to A-3 (Suburban District) & MHO (Manufactured Housing Overlay). (Ward 8, District 14) (ZC13-07-052) (Binder/Brister)

7. Ord. Cal. No. 5052 - Ordinance to correct the Road and Drainge Inventory to include Greenhouse Road Lateral; Salt Lick Lane Lateral; 16TH Section Road Lateral; W-15 L-1 Canal a/k/a Civic Club Lane Lateral; and to remove a portion of Josephine Street. (Wards 3, 6, & 8) (Districts 2, 6, 8 & 11) (Binder/Brister)

8. Ord. Cal. No. 5053 - Ordinance to rename Post Oak Drive (R09C020) as Pin Oak Drive (R09C021). (Ward 9, District 11) (Binder/Brister)

9. Ord. Cal. No. 5054 - Ordinance to authorize the Parish President to acquire by Act of Donation certain Rights-of-Way and/or Servitudes located along Oalmann Road East and further for the Parish to incorporate the donated property into the Parish Maintenance System. (Binder/Brister)

10. Ord. Cal. No. 5055 - Ordinance to Amend the 2013 Operating Budget-Amend. No. 6. (Binder/Brister)

11. Ord. Cal. No. 5056 - Ordinance to extend for an additional six (6) months the moratorium on the receipt of submissions by the Parish Zoning and Planning Commissions, for rezoning or resubdivision of property, not previously applied for, located north of Interstate 12 and abutting or having access to Airport Road, within the unincorporated boundaries of Ward 9, District 11. (Stefancik)



1. Resolution C.S. No. C-3779 - Resolution to approve and authorize the Parish President to sign and/or execute an Intergovernmental Cooperative Endeavor Agreement between the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development and the Parish for the purpose of construction of a right-of-way levee ramp at US Hwy 11. (Ward 9, Districts 12 and 13) (Binder/Brister)

2. Resolution C.S. No. C-3780 - Resolution Establishing Performance and Warranty Obligations. (Binder/Brister)

3. Resolution C.S. No. C-3781 - Resolution to support and authorize the Parish President to submit an action plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funding. (Binder/Brister)

4. Resolution C.S. No. C-3782 - Resolution to amend Ordinance C.S. No. 12-2862 the 2013 - 2017 Capital Improvement Budget and Program, Fixed Asset, and Grant Awards. (Binder/Brister)

5. Resolution C.S. No. C-3783 - Resolution to amend Ordinance C.S. No. 12-2862 the 2013 - 2017 Capital Improvement Budget and Program, Fixed Asset, and Grant Awards to make changes to the Capital Improvements List - Other (Fund 419-14). (Binder/Brister)

6. Resolution C.S. No. C-3784 - Resolution to amend Ordinance C.S. No. 12-2862 the 2013 - 2017 Capital Improvement Budget and Program, Fixed Asset, and Grant Awards to make changes to the Capital Improvements List - District 4 - (Fund 304). (Binder/Brister)

7. Resolution C.S. No. C-3785 - Resolution requesting the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development reduce the speed limit to 45 mph for a portion of Highway 21 east of its intersection with Highway 40 at the Fifth Ward Jr. High School to its intersection with Highway 41. (Ward 5, District 6) (Tanner)

8. Resolution C.S. No. C-3786 - Resolution to approve and authorize the Parish President to sign and/or execute a cooperative endeavor agreement between the Parish of St. Tammany and The Louisiana Department of Natural Resources for the purpose of annual renewal of the Parish local coastal program contract. (Binder/Brister)


1. Andreas Antzoulis appealing the Zoning Commission DENIAL of a Plan Review for a 2,041 square foot retail building located west of Highway 21, south of Arborwalk Drive, north of Dummyline Road being 339 Hwy 21, Covington. (Ward 1, District 1) (PR13-04-001) (Postponed 7/11/13)
NOTE: To concur with Zoning DENIAL, a simple majority vote is required and adoption of a resolution.
NOTE: To override Zoning DENIAL, a majority vote of the entire Council is required and adoption of a resolution.

2. Matthew Allen and Little Tchefuncte River Association appealing the Planning Commission APPROVAL on June 11, 2013 of Preliminary Subdivision Review of Pruden Creek (Resubmitted). (Ward 3, District 3) (SD06-12-047P)(Applicant Pruden Creek Properties, LLC)
NOTE: To concur with Planning APPROVAL, a simple majority vote is required and adoption of a resolution.
NOTE: To override Planning APPROVAL, a majority vote of the entire Council is required and adoption of a resolution.

(Public Hearing)

1. Ord. Cal. No. 5008 - Ordinance amending the Official Parish Zoning Map to reclassify 5.0192 acres located south of Browns Village Road, west of US Highway 11, being 38008 Browns Village Road from HC-3 (Highway Commercial District) to I-1 (Industrial District). (Ward 8, District 14) (ZC13-05-029) (ZC approved 5/7/13) (Introduced 6/6/13) (Postponed 7/11/13)

2. Ord. Cal. No. 5013 - Ordinance to amend and reenact the Parish Code of Ordinances, Chapter 3 Alcoholic Beverages, Article VII All Wards, to add provisions for the issuance of special event permits, and making necessary renumbering and other technical amendments.(Introduced 6/6/13) (Postponed  7/11/13)

3. Ord. Cal. No. 5016 - Ordinance amending the official zoning map of St. Tammany Parish, LA, to reclassify 1.153 acres in Hickory Hills Subdivision located in Section 32, Township 8 South, Range 15 East from its present A-2 (Suburban District) to A-2 (Suburban District) and MHO (Manufacturing Housing Overlay) (Ward 8, District 9) (ZC13-06-041) (Postponed 6/6/13) (Introduced 7/7/13)

4. Ord. Cal. No. 5023 - Ordinance to revoke a portion of Bryan Drive Right-of-way, located in Slidell Ozone Heights Subdivision. (Ward 9, District 14) (Rev13-05-001) (Introduced 6/6/13) (Postponed  7/11/13)

5. Ord. Cal. No. 5024 - Ordinance to rename Carey Court (R09A047) as Chelsea Court. (Ward 9, District 11) (Postponed  7/11/13)

6. Ord. Cal. No. 5034 - Ordinance amending the Official Parish Zoning Map to reclassify 21,000 square feet located south of Ball Street, west of Iron Street, being Lot 9, Square 16, Hillcrest Country Club Estates, Addition No. 2 from A-3 (Suburban District) to A-3 (Suburban District) and MHO (Manufactured Housing Overlay). (Ward 10, District 6) (ZC13-06-039) (ZC approved 6/4/13) (Introduced 7/7/13)

7. Ord. Cal. No. 5035 - Ordinance amending the Official Parish Zoning Map to reclassify 4.39 acres located on the northeast corner of LA Highway 1080 and LA Highway 40 from A-1 (Suburban District) to A-2 (Suburban District). (Ward 2, District 3) (ZC13-06-040) (ZC approved 6/4/13) (Introduced 7/7/13)

8. Ord. Cal. No. 5036 - Ordinance amending the Official Parish Zoning Map to reclassify 40,000 square feet located north of US Highway 190 East, east of Red Mill Drive, being lot 21, O. Faciane Subdivision and 42249 Highway 190 East, Slidell from A-1 (Suburban District) to A-1 (Suburban District) and MHO (Manufactured Housing District). (Ward 8, District 13) (ZC13-06-042) (ZC approved 6/4/13) (Introduced 7/7/13

9. Ord. Cal. No. 5037 - Ordinance amending the Official Parish Zoning Map to reclassify 100 acres located south of LA Highway 36, east of Abita Airport, west LA Highway 434 from TND-1 (Traditional Neighborhood District) to I-2 (Industrial District). (Ward 6, District 7) (ZC13-06-043) (ZC approved 6/4/13) (Introduced 7/7/13)

10. Ord. Cal. No. 5038 - Ordinance amending the Official Parish Zoning Map to reclassify 0.54 acre located east of Lake Road, south of Elenore Drive from PF-2 (Public Facilities District) to A-1 (Suburban District). (Ward 7, District 7) (ZC13-06-044) (ZC approved 6/4/13) (Introduced 7/7/13)

11. Ord. Cal. No. 5039 - Ordinance establishing a speed limit of 25 MPH on a portion of Beverly Drive (3-D-022). (Ward 3, District 3) (Introduced 7/7/13)

12. Ord. Cal. No. 5040 - Ordinance to Amend the 2013 Operating Budget - Amendment No. 5. (Introduced 7/7/13)

13. Ord. Cal. No. 5041 - Ordinance accepting finalized subdivisions into the Road & Drainage Inventories, specifically entering the right-of-way of Palm Plaza Subdivision, Phase 2. (Ward 3, District 2) (Introduced 7/7/13)

14. Ord. Cal. No. 5042 - Ordinance to amend Section 2-092.00 of the Parish Code of Ordinances to allow for the addition of an officer within the President's Office. (Introduced 7/7/13)

15. Ord. Cal. No. 5044 - Ordinance to extend for an additional six (6) months the moratorium on the submission and review of Zoning permit applications and Planning Commission review and on the issuance of building permit applications, for the purpose of construction or placement of multi-family structures on property within unincorporated areas of Council District 12. (Introduced 7/7/13)


1. Nominate two (2) members to the Board of Directors for the St. Tammany Parish Development District. (Current appointees: Peter Egan and Keith Baker - Terms Expire July 31, 2013) (Parishwide) (Binder)

2. Nominate two (2) members to the Board of Directors for the St. Tammany Parish Communications District No. 1. (Parishwide) (Bellisario)


1. Resolution to reappoint James Core to Ward 2 of St. Tammany Parish Hospital District No. 1 (St. Tammany Parish Hospital). (Term expires: September 21, 2013) (Districts 2, 3, 6) (Thompson)


1. Motion to refer to Zoning Commission for recommendation on the proposed re-zoning of 6.33 acres located in Section 37, Township 8 South, Range 13 East from A-2 (Suburban District) to A-2 (Suburban District) and MHO (Manufactured Housing Overlay). (Ward 7, District 7) (Groby)